Location: New York, New York
Building Type: Mixed Use
Construction Type: Mass Construction
Project Phase: Under Construction
Year of Construction: 2021
Gross Square Footage: 750,000

Project Team

Architect: Handel Architects
Passive House Consultant: Steven Winter Associates
Mechanical Engineer: Cosentini
Other Contact: DeSimone Consulting Engineers
Project Submitted by: Ryan Lobello

Project Description

Sendero Verde is an innovative concept in affordable housing, providing a neighborhood’s worth of services under one roof, in a building designed to Passive House standards.

Located in East Harlem in New York City, Sendero Verde is a mixed-use multi-building project awarded through the City’s SustainNYC program, which seeks to create affordable housing for New Yorkers without compromising design quality.

Sendero Verde will contain nearly 698 designated affordable units as well as extensive community space, retail space, and outdoor gardens. A school will also be operating in the space, as well as supportive programming operated by Union Settlement, which is one of the oldest settlement houses in New York City. Ground floor retail will wrap the site.

In taking a cue from an historical trail that once crossed through the site, the project is arranged around a central meandering landscaped path, which weaves through the project from Park Avenue to the western end of 111th Street and Madison Avenue. The massing is broken down into three separate volumes which frame this path, creating a central courtyard. This courtyard spills out onto different levels, creating opportunities for individual community gardens.

Sendero Verde will be Passive House certified, making it the largest fully affordable Passive House building in the world when it is completed.